SMS Twilio Outgoing Gateway – Mesh Chat Action Script

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SMS Twilio Outgoing Gateway

Version: 1.0
License: MIT
Dependencies: perl libjson-perl curl

This Action Script will send messages to Twilio as SMS text messages. You will need a Twilio account. They have a free trial you can experiment with.

Example configuration line to SMS texts for messages in the SMS channel or that have the #sms hashtag from Mesh Chat:


Script download:

Installation commands:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/meshchat_twilio_sms_out
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/meshchat_twilio_sms_out

Edit /etc/meshchat_actions.conf and add a config line for the messages you want to match.

Edit the variables at the top of the script to add your Account / API keys for Twilio, phone numbers, etc.